Benefits of managing school inventory using school management software

What is inventory management?

In general, inventory or asset management is inventory or stock management. These would be assets such as stationary, mobile facilities such as chair, tables, desks, blackboards, teaching aids such as overhead projectors, televisions, video players, DVDs, library resources such as books and magazines, etc. in educational institutions such as schools and colleges.
Inventory management in schools, therefore, is managing these tools and resources to guarantee that they are correctly cared for, used in the perfect fashion, and there are high returns on expenditure and labor on them. Inventory management therefore impacts a school’s various issues – ensuring their investment has excellent yields, but also ensuring that all of their stakeholders profit from everything the school or college has to offer.

inventory management, inventory management system, inventory management software

Why do we need inventory management?

We often speak about how to support schools with a solid infrastructure and a wealth of resources–in fact, inventory management takes care of the implementation of these values. Thanks to inventory management, in our classrooms and on a larger scale, in our academic organizations such as schools and colleges, we are able to make full and effective use of all the resources at our disposal.

Failure to manage inventory in our already underfunded and under-resourced schools and colleges would be a enormous waste of economic resources and procurement efforts. A carefully planned and coherent strategy to managing these funds would guarantee maximum use is made of them while maintaining their longevity as well. Inventory management guarantees that we in our schools and colleges get the greatest return on our spending on much-needed assets, tools, resources, and infrastructure.

How can school management software help with inventory management?

School management software was designed to streamline the process-driven elements of running a classroom or college. Inventory management would then be right in its wheelhouse, which is a extremely process-driven feature. In many respects, when the correct one is selected, school management software is useful to this process. For instance, with a school management software such as Paatham, schools and colleges can better organize their inventory at the very incept. School management system insists that a store be created that defines the type of inventory to be added to the school management software.

For example, if you select stationery, all products linked to stationery should be added to the store. Imagine this for a school’s entire stock–from cleaning supplies to teaching aids to electronic products. As a first phase, it forces academic organizations such as schools and colleges to get organized, which is where half the fight lies. After that, school management software insists on a defined process for fresh inventory procurement, asset seizure, tracks where all items are at any specified moment, and avoids theft and inventory loss owing to supervision. Therefore, the marriage between inventory management and software for school management is ideal.

What are the benefits of using school management software to manage inventory?

We have briefly described the process of using school management software to manage your inventory above. It is clear that process-driven inventory management and the use of school management software are a great fit. Below we explain in further detail how school management software benefits schools and colleges who want to better their inventory management process and see better outcomes:

Better organisation of school property

The first extremely noticeable advantage of using school management software to control school instruments, resources, infrastructure – all the assets of an academic institution – is that you will see this whole method becoming more organized instantly. When educational organizations use school management software, they are compelled to first account and register all the assets they hold within the software. This implies that they can turn to one location to obtain a thorough and detailed accounting of all their assets.

Superlative tracking of assets

Since all applications for use, seizure, procurement and disbursement of assets go through a school management software, all school property is tightly monitored. Those with the power to inspect products must use the school management software to do so. This reduces on one-time borrowing or casual exchanges–which is how colleges are constantly losing track of their resources. This also implies that the loss or theft of costly college assets is drastically reduced. It is apparent in one glance that any given item, tool, resource, or asset is with the school management software because an unauthorized person cannot sign it out. The individual responsible for an asset is evident, and account and access history characteristics of school management software assistance facilitate this monitoring.

Anytime and anywhere accessibility

No longer standing in queues or filling out three-fold forms for inventory managers or students and educators attempting to access them. The stock management method for all stakeholders is much faster and easier than ever–all thanks to the use of classroom management software. It is only through the school management software that students and educators wishing to check out an item can do so. They can only do this if they are allowed to do so, which excludes unauthorized classroom stock misuse. After that, they must submit a application to procure the item in question through the school management software. In contrast to when this would have to be done in individual with the stock manager, educators and students can log into their school management software at any moment after a laborious and time-consuming process and increase an indent or request for a certain product they need. This does not need to be done within college hours, but of their comfort at any moment or location. This, thanks to school management software, availability anywhere and anytime implies that school stock actually helps the very individuals it was intended to assist while being properly used–a win – win for all stakeholders!