Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Examination System

online examination system

An online assessment is to conduct an online evaluation or test to assess academic performance among students. Traditionally, orally or through written tests using pen and paper, these examinations are performed. Students gathered in an exam hall or room where students obtained a question paper and students had to write answers within the time allotted. In order to ensure a fair evaluation of all participants, these questions were not previously used. Participants then turn to their answer sheets and evaluators exchange student scores after a period of time.

All these traditional elements continue to persist with an online study, but the method of evaluation has changed–instead of a physical examination room, students now log into an online examination system through which they view and post their answers to the question paper. This method also involves analysis and reporting of tests.

What are the advantages of an online examination system?

The advantages of implementing an online examination system at your educational institution are plenty. Below we discuss some key, easily accessed advantages of switching to an online examination system at your school:

Environmentally Friendly

Straight out of the gate, the negative impact of conventional pen and paper tests on the world is minimized by an online examination system. This kind of eco-friendly and forward-thinking approach to daily processes is essential in a world where students can graduate into an environmental crisis caused by climate change. Students will imbibe these values over the course of their education.

Technologically Forward

The key advantage of using the online examination system is that it is well incorporated into a technologically rich world. For professional situations, the use of pen and paper is growing. Most of the work is done with email, text messages, presentation machines, computer-based development, etc. Using this method to familiarize students with a range of interfaces prepares them for the real world. It is possible that their experience with such a system and method will be particularly helpful even in the future after they have graduated for activities such as training and testing.

Reduces Labor Cost

The sheer amount of resources that can be used to set up a single exam is mind-boggling — from teachers setting the test to administrators ensuring that all students receive enough copies of the exam paper. The use of an online examination system removes many of these procedures and the related labor costs, which have a significant and positive impact on the bottom line of the method implementing educational institution.

Saves on Time Investment

The design, administration and assessment of a test are time-consuming activities for all concerned from the student to the teachers. The use of an online examination system allows for a reduction in the time required for the analysis process as a whole. This is because features such as inserting and exporting questions, easy access to the students ‘ test, and batch-wise assessments allow students and teachers to save valuable time that would usually be spent on non-primary tasks and instead channel those resources towards setting and assessing students ‘ academic progress.

Reduces Overheads

The overhead costs of obtaining an exam hall, printing out multiple question papers, supplying students with answer sheets and other resources could actually add up. Nevertheless, switching to an online review platform reduces or removes many of these overhead costs directly. Such a move has a positive effect on the educational institution’s bottom line, freeing up much-needed resources for the school or college that can then be guided to core responsibilities.

Increased Security and Privacy

A final advantage of the online examination system is that it allows for increased student privacy and an improvement in how secure the entire process is for all stakeholders involved. For instance, there can be no meddling or untoward activities within the system since there is no opportunity for malicious elements to game the system and produce erroneous responses or results, engage in cheating or any other unethical practices.

Students often earn outcomes that keep their reputation among peers confidential and encourage positive development rather than harmful and futile peer rivalry. This kind of security and privacy may seem unnecessary, but for both students and teachers alike, it really provides a safer and more positive attitude towards the whole examination process. Fostering such a mentality is in the interest of the educational institution as a whole.

What are the disadvantages of an online examination system?

Open Book Exams

Due to the nature of the online examination system model, exams conducted through this platform are open book exams to some degree. Unlike traditional examination settings that did not allow the examination to have external materials in the physical space, nothing prevents students from referring to their course materials during an online examination. Since there is also no direct supervision during the exam time period, the entire system is reliant on an honor system to prevent cheating or other malpractice.

Teachers can, however, mitigate this effect by setting questions that do not depend on the ability of the student to search for information in a textbook or Google. Instead, questions must concentrate on evaluating the student’s understanding of the topic. These are in many ways predictors of the actual comprehension of the content being learned by the student and thus a better representation of their academic progress.

Onboarding onto New Technology

The implementation of an online examination system necessitates a period of familiarisation on part of all users. Any change in structure will require some investment in onboarding on behalf of the educational institution in question.

The best approach to take here is to model preparation for both students and teachers during the transition from traditional examinations to the online examination. Such learning will familiarize students and teachers with the system’s different features, making it more likely that they will actually use it rather than sticking to the status quo as to how exams are conducted at their school.

Infrastructural Barriers

While the online examination system offers great scope to improve student inclusion and accessibility worldwide, its positive impact can still be mitigated by the location’s infrastructural conditions. Nevertheless, these obstacles are beyond the influence of the system itself, it is clear that it affects it.

Factors like steady internet connectivity, the presence of an electrical connection, and other infrastructural issues in many parts of the world that interfere with how an online review system will work. Therefore, it is important to keep the audience in mind when introducing the school’s use of this program.

Not suited for Collaborative Evaluations or Group Projects

The very nature of examinations in the online examination system prevents certain modes of evaluation being implemented at the school. The most obvious one here is that it is not an ideal platform for collaborative evaluations or group projects. This is because the nature of the platform is objective, preventing subjective evaluations where points are handed out to a group for subjective efforts, rather than points awarded on an existing framework.


Examinations are an inevitable part of the educational ecosystem. With evolving technologies, a globalized world, and an increasingly competitive educational landscape, it is necessary to keep up with the times. Along with ever-evolving teaching and learning methods, processes like examinations must also be examined. An online examination system is the product of such an analysis – it automates, digitizes and flattens the process to become more accessible, inclusive and accurate compared to its previous avatar. At the same time, it does not eliminate best practices in student evaluation and examination that have been built over the years. Instead, the online examination system is a culmination of the old and familiar and the new and innovative.

Innovative Methods of Teaching Strategies : That Will Help Every Teacher In The Classroom

Some of our most inspirational and unforgettable films are teachers and professors who use creative teaching techniques to achieve the students ‘ minds and win the audience’s hearts while doing so. While only a few years ago one would see such creative and efficient teaching on the screen, today technology has provided a number of tools to teachers around the globe to improve teaching techniques.

school management system

Here are some innovative teaching strategies which every teacher can embrace and make their teaching way more interesting:

1. Cross over Teaching

While this type of learning does not include technology, for both the student and the teachers it is an enriching experience. Here, in an informal environment such as after-school learning clubs or museum and exhibition trips, learning occurs. The teacher can link the educational material to the students ‘ experiences. By adding questions linked to the topic, this teaching is further improved and deepened. Then the students can add field trip notes, photographic projects and other group tasks linked to the trip to the classroom debates.

2. Teaching through Smart Boards

Smart boards are an efficient way to give life to the classroom while helping students experience a greater level of commitment and understanding. This is achieved through the interactive and visualization of the course material. The smart boards turn the learning experience into an interactive and cooperative experience as teachers use vibrant multimedia material to assist students communicate the subject more efficiently and make it a visual and engaging experience.

3. Teaching through Flipping Classrooms

Flipping the classroom becomes an efficient teaching method that is becoming increasingly common. In this method, students are made active participants in the learning process by placing the learning burden on them, teachers are required to relegate themselves to the position of resource providers and students are responsible for collecting concept information. Students are motivated to build understanding using multiple technology instruments, fill in data gaps and create inferences on their own as and when required.

While many may question whether giving students the responsibility of teaching may be worldwide, teachers around the globe have seen them immersing themselves more in the topic, taking more interest and teaching better when they are in control of their own learning.

This method of teaching is one of the best ways to lay the foundation in independent learning.

4. Teaching through collaboration

Another innovative teaching method includes promoting cooperation between students for different projects. We live in a globalized globe today and cooperation is a vital life skill that is important for all professions and businesses. Teachers in the classroom can assist promote this skill by enabling learners to learn, study, and work in classroom.

For example, by assigning group homework or encouraging learners to work on plays, presentations and other reports together. Today, cooperation as a type of learning is gaining recognition as a strong learning instrument where teachers perform the role of guides, mentors, managers for the students once again in the community of students. It also teaches empathy, negotiation, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities to students.

5. Teaching through Virtual Reality

Technology for Virtual Reality includes helping learners learn through interactions with a 3D world. For example, instead of bringing the students through a boring lesson of history, teachers can use 3D technology to discover ancient cultures, travel for a lesson in geography to remote nations, or even take a journey to outer space during a science lesson.

Virtual Reality technology provides a precious chance for students to learn immersively, creating a lasting impression on their minds. It makes learning fun and enables students to keep the material for a longer period of time–all the key points when considering efficient teaching techniques in a classroom.

6. Teaching through 3D printing technology

Teachers who are looking for creative learning techniques can also look at 3D printing as a learning tool. This technique is rapidly gaining worldwide recognition, particularly in greater academic institutions where 3D printers are used to produce prototypes and facilitate the understanding of complicated concepts. In lower-level schools, teachers can use 3D printers to teach material earlier taught through textbooks, thereby helping students achieve a better knowledge of the concept — especially STEM topics.

7. Teaching through Cloud Computing

Bringing technology into the classroom enables teachers to experiment with innovative teaching techniques. Using cloud computing is one technique where teachers can save on the classroom cloud information of essential classroom resources such as lesson plans, notes, audio courses, videos, and tasks. This can be accessed from the comfort of their homes by the students whenever it is necessary to bring the classroom back to the students by clicking on a mouse. It also guarantees that at all times students who have missed school for either disease or any other reason remain up-to-date. It eliminates the need for heavy textbooks and enables students to learn at a moment, location and pace they are comfortable with.

8. Technology and innovative methods of teaching

Using technology in the classroom helps engage students with various types of stimuli and generates an activity-based learning atmosphere. It makes the classroom content more exciting and enjoyable to learn.

Technology provides teachers with an infinite collection of resources they can tap into depending on the students ‘ needs. While this blog lists some of these resources, a teacher looking for efficient learning techniques in a classroom will be offering a vast amount of updated alternatives in switching to the recent technology.

Top 7 K-12 Social Media Strategies

Why do colleges need a plan for social media?

Living in the most technologically wealthy and well-connected era ever implies having to be able to maintain up with one’s K-12 school as well. Schools are not silos independent of the globe around them. They actually have to graduate students who can readily enter the true world into their future academic or professional careers.

It therefore makes sense for schools to have an internet and social media presence that represents their identity in the real world. Stakeholders–particularly students–now depend on these internet channels to remain in contact with the school, communicate with their fellow stakeholders, and fundamentally recreate the online classroom community.

But just having a social media presence in name is not enough for a school. Their social channels are a reflection of and must reflect this reality of the values and experience they give in the actual globe. They also need to be informative and engaging in order to become another technique by which stakeholders such as learners, educators, parents can feel as if they are part of the school society.

In particular, modern learners are a target group for the social media channels of the school as they are already spending so much time online. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are common communication media for learners, particularly in sophisticated classrooms. It is therefore a natural channel through which the school can stay linked and engage with its student body as well.

Social media marketinf strategies

What are the top strategies to implement when setting your school’s social presence?

The leadership or strategy of social media is a completely contemporary field. Originally, much of it worked on instinct with organically evolving norms and staying more or less raw material. However, while social media still has a casual and pleasant tone, some hygiene factors need to be taken into account when deciding on a social media strategy. This is particularly the case for colleges which, owing to their organizational nature and the audience they deal with, have a more severe tone to express. Below are some of the top social media approaches that will begin schools on the correct foot in detail:

Social media marketing

Establish an official account

Creating an official account is the first step towards creating your internet social media presence. The handle must represent or relate to the real title of the school. But it also needs indicators that this is the school’s formal account, so supporters and friends are not led astray. There are many ways to do this–use official mail ID to set up any communication, link to the official website of the college, announce your new social media presence to learners and parents and other stakeholders along with associated user information. In addition, personalize the official account by adding photos, banners, headers, etc. that reflect the visual design of the official school.

Do some assessment of competitors

Analysis of competitors is not only for competitive companies. Schools can really learn a lot from watching how they use their social media channels from their fellow academic organizations. There are an infinite number of methods to use when dealing with social media platforms, but some fundamental competitor analysis will help colleges know better how online organizations like theirs are represented.
Note the tone of communication for your fellow college, how much they use it as a channel for communication and announcements, how many non-announcement remarks they make, how they communicate with learners and other stakeholders, and how they maintain the material fresh but meaningful.

Good research practices

Will detailed study on other school’s social media policies is a nice way to know how to specifically manage the account of your institution, it’s just the starting point. There are some endemic best practices that guarantee the hygiene of all your social media channels in practice for the end user or audience
Will specific research of the social media strategies of other school’s is a good way to understand how to specifically run your institution’s account, it is just the starting point. Some endemic best practices exist that ensure the hygiene in experience for the end user or audience of all your social media channels. These are referred to as best practices and differ between platform and platform. Understanding these best practices guarantees that, instead of standing out for all the incorrect reasons, our social media outreach stays in line with accepted standards. Also, best practices guarantee that your college looks knowledgeable and knowledgeable about how to act online, making it the organization itself more trustworthy and safe.

Presence of the cross-platform

Multiple platforms of social media serve various purposes. While Instagaram, for instance, is visually heavy and esthetically pleasing, Twitter is quick and telegraphic, and Facebook is appropriate for longer, more engaging conversations. Your organization has no single social media platform. Instead, creating a presence across platforms is advisable. A platform will arise that your audience is most engaged in, but it is cautious to at least squat on other platform accounts to guarantee miscreants do not use a comparable or identical account name to generate difficulty. It also implies that college stakeholders have the choice of using any platform with which they are most comfortable. It goes without stating, but ensuring that the same data is transmitted across platforms is essential to guarantee that no one falls through the cracks about remaining in the loop about moving on at college.

Post periodically

To see success, all the most common social media accounts will have one piece of guidance: frequently and continuously post. The account must remain active – posting on a timetable that is predictable and compatible with the expectations of the public. A school’s social media presence must be useful to the stakeholders it attempts to reach in the educational ecosystem, and step one to do so is to ensure that the account does not appear dead or behind the times.

Be sensitive

Posting on social media channels of the school frequently is just one move to ensure that the existence of your school stays important to the public. An engaged audience stimulates the presence of social media in the school, while providing ongoing feedback on what they are interested in, what is useful to them, and what they like to see.
The main way to build an engaged audience is through social media channels to be responsive. This implies responding to daily trends in content posting, but also answering queries, engaging with posts from the public, anticipating interest and needs from the audience, etc.

Ensure suitable relationships

So you’re constantly posting and constructing an engaged and involved crowd. This is a school or institutional social media account, unlike more trend-driven account, which implies additional caution is needed to ensure suitable interactions. As a general maxim, it may be useful to expect stakeholders who interact with the school’s social media accounts to retain the same decorum and civilization in more direct relationships. This would also guarantee that inappropriate language and imagery are not used for professional interactions on a platform that is accessed by younger learners.

Here it is important to set expectations with all stakeholders – giving them rules to follow will guarantee that interactions across social media channels stay fruitful and positive.

How poor parental support affects the growth and achievement of students

A school’s primary essence is to provide the learners with schooling. This is where parents send their children to help them learn the different skills and information needed to help them build a future and career. These skills can range from math, reading, writing, history, etc. academic skills to social communication skills, social ethics, etc.

Because of this comprehension, it has come to the conclusion that it is mainly the college that is accountable for the students ‘ schooling and skills. That’s not accurate, though. Different study information demonstrate that a student’s development and achievement plays a vital role in the home atmosphere and parental involvement.

learning app in India

Early Learning

For each student, the early learning method begins at home in an informal manner. Parents teach their children the basic abilities, values and attitudes that are necessary for everyday life. This unwritten understanding is essential as it helps kids construct processes for adult life to be effective. However, the children find it hard to adjust to the school’s social environment in the lack of this early life teaching, or in the event of parents not passing on these social indications. The parents have a important impact on how well they will perform by educating the school readiness of the young children.
For example, it has been demonstrated time and time again that when parents and kids read together at home, reading improves significantly. Daily reading intervention enhances the ability of the child to read.

Shared Academic Inspirations

Once the kid begins to attend a periodic school, most parents have many educational ambitions for the academic development of their children. Over the years, study has shown that students ‘ academic achievement is related to their parents ‘ values and ambitions. These shared aspirations serve to motivate the learners as they set learning objectives together between parents and students. These do not necessarily have to be lofty objectives, but they can also be tiny and easy objectives such as a certain percent improvement in the grade.

Improved Learning Mindset

At school, children who receive assistance from their parents create a suitable mentality, motivation, and self-discipline. Disengaged parents who are not interested in their children’s academic lives often encourage failures at school. Create a generation of learners who do not want to study or gain data.
It has been observed that these learners are also more likely to enjoy college for learners who have supportive parents guiding them at home. Parental involvement and support at home, therefore, not only enhances academic achievement, but also has a beneficial impact on the mindset, attitude, and conduct of a student.
These learners, for example, have a better attendance record as they have supportive parents who assist prepare them every day for school. Similarly, due to the assistance and advice available at home, these learners have a better performance when finishing homework or submitting tasks on time. Students who lack supporting parents, must struggle alone. This not only impacts their output, but also has adversely affected their self-esteem at the same moment.

Improved Classroom Behaviour

Parental involvement also has a beneficial impact on the attitude and conduct of the student. It found that kids with disengaged relatives have a adverse attitude in the school and are more disruptive due to the absence of effects at home. All this is due to bad parental assistance, which is also associated with parental supervision. When the student is supervised for their conduct at home, they act properly in school, pay more attention in the classroom, and ultimately perform better in the research.

Better Teacher Morale

The parents engaged in their children’s day-to-day teaching are more conscious of the problems that educators face in the classroom and are more appreciated. They enjoy the students, and this helps to boost the morale of students a long way. Constant communication between home and school enables a teacher to personally know a student, comprehend their difficulties, and better guide them. This, in turn, makes it possible for the teacher to teach the student more efficiently as well as to personalize learning experience for the learners facing the difficulties. For example, if the teacher knows that the parents in the house don’t talk English, then she attempts to pay unique attention to the school student. Help them overcome any linguistic difficulties. Regular communication between parents and educators also helps to eliminate any distrust or confusion that may occur between educators and parents.

Better Rate Of Academic Success

Engaging in the education of their children provides parents a stronger knowledge of the curriculum and activities of the school. They are more conscious of the quality of their child’s education and can further improve it by adding additional courses or tuitions if necessary. This helps enhance students ‘ performance and makes them trustworthy learners.

school management software in India


Every night, read your preschooler aloud to instill an interest in books and reading.
When selecting a school for your child, choose a school with a school management software like Paatham which allows you to monitor you your child easily and communicate with the class teacher
Team with the school, and download the school management app to be able to communicate with your school and
Praise your child’s effort in the classroom and celebrate success every small success
Have regular heart-to-heart discussions at home about successes and problems in school.
Investigate your child’s academic problems before assigning blame.
Regularly help with homework, assignments and other tests to help prepare your child for the next day at school
Attend all parent-teacher meetings
Pay attention to your child’s absentee and discipline notes from school.
Make school a priority over other things and teach the same to kids
Discuss realistic long-term school and life goals with the students.

Benefits that Fee Management System carry for School

Fees management software, providing schools with powerful features for any type of private and public academic institutions in Asia. This one of the bests Fee Collection Software efficiently tracks the details of your school students past, future and current fee billing / payment collection receipts. Fee Management System module makes your working smooth while saving about 90% of manual work, resulting into a hassle free and paper less Management.

This Module Is created specifically to change the method of Fee Collection and Receipt Generation with the Aim to minimize the manual Errors which occurs mainly at Receipt Counter. As an integrated part of School fee Management Software, Fee module enables to maintain fee receipts and outstanding amounts of student. Year, school ,section and standard wise fee reports can be generated. It has configurable structure for Discounts and its calculations thereof. The Fee Module comprises all details regarding fees such as fee submission, advanced fee, hostel fee, refund of academic and hostel fee. It includes various facilities like admission fee, computer fee, tuition fee etc.

On the Submission of fees Search student Year, school, section, standard and division wise then student display on Screen and then whose fee you want to submit click on this student name and Its Fees amount display on screen yearly , half yearly amount as setup above fees year, school, section and standard wise and also fee taken manually.

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Let’s look into some of the key benefits of implementing an automated fee management system:

1. User-friendly

Feel the difference of implementing automated software into your system in few easy steps. It makes the users feel comfortable with user-friendly and easy handling of fee processing in a paperless environment.

2. Account Management

Create student profiles with demographic information, contact details and parent information. Track and post fees for admission, hostel, library, and other activities in student accounts.

3. Security

Fee automation system is highly secure with easy account management and role-based access control in a multi-user environment.

4. Quick Payments

Make fee remittances faster from website and mobile devices using secure payment gateways to provide students and parents with hassle-free processing and automatic generation of fee receipts.

5. Customizable & Flexible

Fee management software allows you to customize fee structure based on your unique needs with the ability to set discounts, add or edit fees, and collect penalties with ease.

6. Transparency

Improves the cash management and allows transparency on the payments made and the system will track suspicious and fraudulent transactions.

7. Revenue Management

Increase revenue for the institution by receiving payments from alumni, donors and other contributors.

8. Data Backup with Synchronization

The cloud-based fee management system provides fast and automatic backup and online/offline synchronization of data for access to academic data.

9. Reports

The advanced reporting system and analytics will generate custom fee payment reports and track outstanding and unpaid student details.

10. Notifications

Keep the students and parents informed on fee payments with real-time notifications, messages and reminders via emails, SMS alerts and push notifications from mobile devices.

Fee management system solves many problems for schools and helps parents to keep track of fee payments in real time. No more manual records or calculations on sheets of paper. Using the fee accounting and financial management software, students and parents can use the latest technology tools to connect various departments such as admission, finance, transport, hostel, library and more. This will result in wider engagement and improved efficiency in educational institutions with synchronization of data on fee collections. Student’s fee collection and unpaid fee details can be accessed on mobile devices from anywhere and anytime, beyond the campus.

Explore The Benefit Of e-Testing – Paatham

e-Testing or e-assessments are on-line tests conducted with the aim of evaluating, measuring, and documenting the educational readiness, learning progress, talent acquisition, or academic wants of the test takers. Within the past, test were typically given in paper printouts and had to be two-handed out manually. Nowadays, you can create online test, share the link with your students, and immediately see their results.

e-Testing is a valuable tool in Higher Education for several reasons. it’s large potential benefits for school students in terms of learning and retention of study material, furthermore as increasing their engagement with their chosen topic. e-Testing offers several blessings over traditional pen and paper exams.

Paatham | e-Testing

“students often say they don’t get enough feedback on their performance, and that when they do receive feedback, it is often inadequate, difficult to interpret, or too late”.

e-Testing can

supply immediate and focused feedback on students’ work
allow students more than one attempt at an answer
present questions in a predetermined or random order
be used for diagnostic, formative or summative assessment
guide students to further reading or resources if they are having difficulty
increase students’ digital literacy
increase student engagement
record highly detailed student learning analytics and present them to the teacher in real time
manage teacher workload and corrections

The use of e-Testing makes it much more realistic for students to get this timely and appropriate feedback given the workload already experienced by teaching staff. The feedback given can also be further enhanced by technology as it may contain links to interactive material, additional reading, videos etc. so that students can be directed to engage in self-directed learning tailored for their particular difficulties.

The Digital Roadmap also highlights the need to maximize the potential of data analytics to inform teaching and learning in Higher Education. The use of e-Testing makes this task manageable as most systems would automatically track many learning analytics as students use the system. E-assessment can also be used to great effect to develop greater opportunities for part-time, flexible learning, including lifelong learning.

Advantages of e-Testing

The use of e-Testing saves students a lot of time and money. Often the assessments can be completed in less time, multiple candidates can complete the online assessment at the same time and there is no need for specialized (and expensive) personnel. Also, the test takers are able to take the assessment during class, or at home, using their own devices. You get to see their results and answers and get instant feedback about your chosen topic. That helps you, as teacher, to learn more about your students and adapt to their needs, strengths and weaknesses.

Disadvantages of e-Testing

Not much can be said about the disadvantages of online testiing, since the advantages outweigh them by far. But there might be some, for example, you need to be computer literate (or able to use a computer well) in order to create and take an assessment. Technology is not always reliable, there might be connection or internet problems, energy breaks and other things like that. Also, there’s a cost involved in online assessment softwares.


e-Testing has some pros and cons. It’s up to you to decide what is the best option in your case, that is, keep using hard copy assessments or go for the online option. Although some financial investment in online assessment software is needed, we believe the benefits outweigh the costs by far. It’s a value for money acquisition, since you, as a student, will save a lot of time and money in many other ways.

Also, online test allow the test takers to take on mobile learning, which means, they are able to take the test anywhere, anytime. And they receive their results immediately by email. You can see their results and download them into an Excel file.

How E-Learning is helpful to learners – Paatham

A learning system based on formalised teaching but with the help of electronic resources is known as E-learning. While teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component of E-learning. E-learning can also be termed as a network enabled transfer of skills and knowledge, and the delivery of education is made to a large number of recipients at the same or different times. Earlier, it was not accepted wholeheartedly as it was assumed that this system lacked the human element required in learning.

However, with the rapid progress in technology and the advancement in learning systems, it is now embraced by the masses. The introduction of computers was the basis of this revolution and with the passage of time, as we get hooked to smartphones, tablets, etc, these devices now have an importance place in the classrooms for learning. Books are gradually getting replaced by electronic educational materials like optical discs or pen drives. Knowledge can also be shared via the Internet, which is accessible 24/7, anywhere, anytime.


Importance Of E-Learning

No Boundaries, No Restrictions : E-learning, facilitates learning without having to organize when and where everyone who is interested in a course can be present.

More Fun : Designing a course in a way that makes it interactive and fun through the use of multimedia, enhances not only your engagement factor but also the relative lifetime of the course material in question.

Cost Effective : E-Learning is always cost friendly.

E-learning has proved to be the best means in the education sector, especially The schools which use E-learning technologies are a step ahead of those which still have the traditional approach towards learning.


No doubt, it is equally important to take forward the concept of non-electronic teaching with the help of books and lectures, but the importance and effectiveness of technology-based learning cannot be taken lightly or ignored completely. It is believed that the human brain can easily remember and relate to what is seen and heard via moving pictures or videos. It has also been found that visuals, apart from holding the attention of the student, are also retained by the brain for longer periods. education sectors, are now adapting to the concept of E-learning which helps in the progress of a nation. Technological advancements also helped educational establishments reduce the costs of distance learning, a saving that would also be passed on to the students – helping bring education to a wider audience.


math block

Depending on how much time you have for guided math, find ideas on how to schedule your daily math block to include key components for success.

Ever wonder what your daily math block should look like?

A well designed math block incorporates whole group and small group instruction. It also provides time for teaching new skills, practicing for mastery and reviewing previously taught skills.

However, there are two things I want you to keep in mind. The ideal and the real. And I’m going to share both.

First, let me share what an ideal elementary math block looks like. When I say ideal, I’m talking about a math block that is 75 minutes or longer.

Warm Up Activity For Books

Purpose: (1) Review math skills or (2) Introduce a new topic

Any good lesson starts out with an engaging opening. Math is no exception.

This section of your math block should be fast paced. This is either the time for a quick review or a way to interest your kids in a brand new topic. Remember, you want to spend the bulk of your time in centers so that you can work with your teacher led small group.

Here are some examples of things you can do during your warm up:

• Number Talks
• Calendar Activities
• Problem of the Day
• Number of the Day
• Kinesthetic Math Activities
• Number Sense Routines

Whole Class Mini-Lesson

This is the part of your daily math block when you are teaching a mini-lesson. You’re teaching and modeling new concepts by using think-alouds and clear visual models.

It’s also the time to do guided practice. Set aside a short amount time for students to actually practice what you’re modeling. This can look many different ways: interactive large group activities, partner work, etc.

Be strategic. Stay focused on the topic. Otherwise you may find yourself going down a rabbit hole and then not having enough time for math centers.

Here are some examples of things you can do during your whole group mini-lesson:

• Math Read-Aloud
• Hands-On Activities with Manipulatives
• Partner Work
• Group Activities

Teacher Tip – Since this is a “mini-lesson” after you explicitly model you may not get to guided practice on the same day. That’s OK! You can do guided practice the next day. The important part is to make sure you are modeling AND then providing support.

Math Centers and Teacher Led Small Group

Purpose: (1) Differentiate instruction for all learners and (2) provide ongoing practice and review of previously taught skills

There are 2 different things going on during this portion of your math block.

Math Centers – Students practice and review math skills in small groups or pairs, without teacher support (You’ll be at working with your small group).

Examples of math centers can include:

• Math Games
• Journals
• Task Cards
• Fluency Activities
• Problem Solving Tasks
• Math Sorts

Teacher Lead Small Group – This is my favorite part of the block! While the rest of your class is working in centers, you’re targeting instruction with a small group of your students in order to meet their needs.

It’s that magic time of the math block because you get to see and correct misconceptions up close. This is where you get to move your students.

You’re finished with your last teacher led small group and the rest of your students are cleaning up their stations.

Now, what?

It’s time for your kids to show what they know. Let’s move to the last part of an ideal daily math block. Time to assess.

Student Reflection

Purpose: (1) See what your kids know and (2) Inform instruction

This is the time to do a quick check of the day’s learning. It’s not a formal test.

What about if you only have 45 minutes?

This definitely isn’t ideal. But let’s keep it real, I know that some of you only have 45 minutes. The first thing, I strongly suggest that you advocate for more time for math.

With that out the way let’s get real creative.

In this scenario, I suggest keeping both the warm up and the reflection time 5 minutes each. This will leave you with 35 minutes each day for alternating teaching a whole group lesson OR doing math centers. See example below:

Monday: Warm Up (5 min.) – Whole Group (35 min.) – Reflection (5 min.)
Tuesday: Warm Up (5 min.) – Math Centers (35 min./2 groups) – Reflection (5 min.)

Then continue the pattern for the other days of the week.

Kids Faces 3 Types Of Math Errors And How To Prevent Them

When you are learning a new skill, do you do it perfectly the very first time? Do you know all the answers before you even begin? Of course not! The same is true of math. Learning math requires practice, and making mistakes is part of the process. But as I’ve shared before, making mistakes in math is a good thing, and can help kids learn and understand more deeply. Today I want to dive a little deeper, because all mistakes are not equal. There are different types of math errors that students make, and understanding how to prevent them and how to learn from them is essential.

types of math mistake

3 Types of Math Errors:
As I’ve thought about the different mistakes students of all ages make as they solve math problems, I’ve narrowed them down to 3 categories:

• Careless Errors
• Computational Errors
• Conceptual Errors

Careless Errors:

Careless errors occur simply because they are not paying attention, or are working too fast. Some examples might be:

• Copying the problem wrong to begin with
• Writing a wrong number
• Dropping a negative sign
• Sloppy handwriting
• Not following the directions
• Typing it wrong into their calculator

Here are some simple ways to help kids prevent making careless mistakes:

Slow down

This seems obvious, but students are often in a rush to finish so that they can move on to something else. Rushing is the easiest way to ensure careless mistakes. Encourage kids to take it slow and pay attention to what they’re doing.

Circle important information

Whether it’s a worksheet or word problems, circling important information will help students know what to do. Circling something in the directions will help them follow them correctly. Circling key information in a word problem will help them think through their strategy and make sure they don’t forget anything.

Use graph paper

Using a sheet of graph paper to work out problems can be a really simple fix for kids who struggle with neatness. Graph paper allows kids to line up the numbers correctly and prevent sloppy mix ups.

Computational Errors:

The second type of mistake is computational. This means somewhere in the process they incorrectly added, subtracted, multiplied or divided.

Making one computational mistake in a multi-step problem means the rest of their work will be wrong and the final solution wrong.

As a classroom teacher, I always required students to show all their steps because if they used the correct procedure and showed me that they understood the concept, I was not too concerned about a small computational error.

Yes, that may have meant the “whole problem” was wrong, but to me, the final solution is not as important as understanding the concept and the process.

Still, we never want to encourage carelessness in computation.

Here are some ways to help students prevent computational errors:

Slow down
Check the answer after solving
Use a calculator

Conceptual Errors:

Conceptual errors occur because kids have misunderstood the underlying concepts or have used incorrect logic. This is the most difficult type of error to identify at first glance. This is also the most difficult type of error for students to recognize, but it is the most important to catch and correct.
When students make conceptual errors, it’s possible that all the math computations are correct. If they’ve misunderstood a concept and thus used an incorrect method to solve, they can work out each step meticulously and correctly but still get the wrong answer.

Ways to prevent and correct conceptual errors:

Obviously preventing conceptual errors is not as easy or straightforward as careless or computational errors. And of course, all students will have varying degrees of understanding, and will struggle with different concepts
But here are a few things you can do to try and encourage conceptual understanding and prevent future conceptual mistakes.

Introduce concepts in hands-on, conceptual ways
Teach a concept more than one way
Have math talks
Use math journals

Education Without Leaving Home : Online Learning

online learning

There is no single definition of online learning. It includes learning with the assistance of the Internet and a personal computer. The term e-learning, or electronic learning, often is used interchangeably with online learning.
Implement a powerful Learning platform to improve your child’s bottom line.

E-learning courses are still mostly visual. And one part of engaging you learners is to create visually rich experiences. This doesn’t replace instructional design, but it does help make your course look more interesting and contributes to capture the person’s attention.

Advantages of Online Learning

1. You can learn whatever you want: The great variety of online programs and courses is a huge advantage of this type of education. It doesn’t matter where you live and what you want to study – you can always find a suitable course or even a degree program that you can follow from home.
2. Comfort: Comfort is a strong advantage, but it can go both ways. You mustn’t allow yourself to get too comfortable when studying from home, so it would be best to abandon the couch for few hours a day and set up an inspirational studying environment in your home. All you need is a large desk and a nice, comfortable chair.
3. Online exams helps you to get great marks: It doesn’t matter where your career stands at this moment; an online program will always look good on your resume
4. Self-paced learning: When you start browsing through interesting online courses and programs, you’ll notice the Self-Paced label on most of them. What does this mean? Self-paced learning means that the students can start completing the targets at any time, and he can arrange a learning schedule that meets his individual needs.
5. Lower Costs: The fact that online programs are cheaper when compared to the ones held in a traditional campus setting is enough to convince you to consider them. The average tuition for online courses depends on multiple factors, so it varies from one program to another.

Online Education Is Totally Worth The Effort

The best thing about online learning is that you can learn in a relaxed manner even if you don’t want to get certified. You only need passion for learning and a quick online search that will take you to the right course. From that point on, you will be the master of your own education.