How Teachers Can Help Students During Their Pre-Board Examination Preparation?

Board examinations are one of the most important exams in a student’s life and are often regarded as the stepping stone for one’s glorious future. The results of board exams are considered a key factor in securing admission to their preference of higher secondary schools and colleges. These are the key factor that directs the supreme decision as to whether the student will be able to obtain the desired educational stream in higher classes.

These are also viewed as an important part of the professional resume of a student, reflecting their academic performance and achievements.

These are some of the reasons that closer to the board exams, the atmosphere in classrooms becomes serious with students and teachers putting in the best of their efforts.

Smart schools and teachers also opt for technology for school management software to support students during their pre-board examination.

Student and Parents communications

While the students offer the board exams, it is a well-accepted fact that the students who do well are those who have ample support from their parents at home. The online student management program helps teachers to stay in touch with their families, keeping them up-to-date on all the school happenings and the classroom results.
This component of a school management software also lets parents keep track of student’s attendance and review their children’s exam-related records, thus helping parents stay up-to-date on the students, enabling and encouraging parents to support and direct the students even at home.

Blog posts

Using the school management software blog post unit, teachers can post blogs as a student learning resource. In addition, these blog posts can also include assessment tips, learning guides, discussions on relevant topics, assignment tools, and plenty more. These blogs can be a reference guide for students as they study for their board and pre-board exams.

Online discussions

For students preparing for their pre-board and board exams, online discussions held over the school management software are an important tool that will help them to stay connected with their peers and teachers during after-school hours. Discussion module helps the students and teachers to interact with each other, resolve doubts, get their queries answered and share their views through posting comments in the discussion board.

As administrators of these boards, the teachers can moderate these discussions, participate in them and delete comments that may confuse the students.

Online Assignment Management

The school management software assignment application was designed to help teachers routinely administer homework, exams, and tasks to students. The online system makes it easy for the class teachers to administer the exams, collect the finished work, review it and provide students with valuable feedback to help them learn more and perform better in their examinations.

Custom student remarks

Once the students have participated in the online tests and exams given by the teachers to prepare them. The custom student remarks module helps the teachers to provide comments for each of the student on the basis of performance in different subjects. The teachers can either give common remarks to the entire class correcting or guiding them or the teacher has the option to give individual remarks to a student on any particular exam conducted. Besides the teachers and the students, the parents can see the remarks in their profiles for daily updates and can accordingly keep track of their child’s academic progress.

Event Calendar

Closer to the date of the exams, as the schools exchange their calendar of events with the dates of tests, vivas, practicals and other important board exam dates. Using the school management software’s event calendar feature makes it easier for students and parents to stay up-to-date on the exam schedule and any changes associated with it.


Another essential feature of the school management software that can help the teachers prepare the students better is the collaboration feature.

This feature allows students and teachers to interact with each other at any time through email, audio and/or video. We can create group sessions to provide students with additional online tuition, and they can record and post these sessions for future use. The group chat session also helps students clear their doubts and gain a better understanding of the topic.

Education today is extremely cut-throat, and due to a few scores, students will lose out of being admitted to their preference colleges. It is important for teachers to do everything they can to help give their students the extra edge in this hyper-competitive world, where every single mark counts.

The use of a school management software with its various tool and modules enables the teachers to reach out to their students at all times and offer them the best possible learning experience. It allows the teachers to help the students improve their learning skills and keep practicing until they are ready for their big exams. After all, practice makes perfect!

How can e-learning reform the traditional education system?

What is traditional learning?

Traditional learning relates to any type of training in a regular school setting using classic paper and pencil techniques. In brief, traditional relates to any type of teaching involving techniques typically used in any college. This may include typical instruction-style lecture, tasks and tests, and student homework, classical teaching pedagogy and teacher training, use of assigned textbooks and other course content, and an in-person instruction scheme. Traditional learning continues to be known to most learners today. While most of the components outlined above will be present, topics, textbooks, and some learning styles may differ.

What is e-learning?

Broadly speaking, e-learning relates to any kind of training that is electronically transmitted, generally over the internet. Think of any kind of educational material you might have consumed on platforms such as YouTube or other streaming sites or internet classes through universities or even virtual classrooms where students and teachers sign up remotely –all of these would count as examples of e-learning. E-learning is an inevitable evolution of the educational ecosystem with the growing ubiquity and fast spread of technology. It can be something as tiny as using electronic materials or something as enormous as massive open online courses that enable anyone to sign up to learn something new, anywhere and at any moment. Due to the many advantages it transfers to all stakeholders in the academic ecosystem, e-learning is increasingly becoming a feature in classrooms across school and institutes in the world.

school management software

What are the benefits of e-learning over the traditional education system?

The advantages of including e-learning education system methodologies within the traditional education system or even implementing e-learning options at your school and college are many. Some key benefits of an e-learning education system are discussed in further detail below:

One Time Setup Cost

Many schools and institutes are hesitating to invest in the e-learning education system as they think that it would be too big to bear the price of such an effort. This is mainly due to infrastructure change. While schools and institutes are used to invest in products such as pens and paper, desks and benches, blackboards and classrooms, it makes sense that the cost of setting up an completely fresh teaching scheme must be closely adjusted against the budget of the school or institute. However, with most techniques or instruments in the e-learning education scheme, the price is mainly in the configuration, which is then mitigated over time because of how much it is used. This implies that the price is a one-time price – an investment in the future where there are plenty of yields on such an investment.

Increases Inclusivity for Stakeholders

The system of e-learning education may seem very modern and cutting-edge as it uses the recent technology in the educational ecosystem. This does not imply, however, that it is in any manner beyond the reach of the common person or the exclusionary.Indeed, with the development of low-cost technology and the proliferation of internet connectivity and internet-enabled phones in even the most remote parts of the world, e-learning education system is becoming increasingly feasible in today’s era.This is particularly crucial for marginalized communities that do not usually have access, infrastructure or the funding needed to construct and maintain traditional education systems.E-learning enables anyone with an internet connection and an internet-enabled device to sign up for a classroom that is revolutionary for learners who are often ignored or excluded from traditional learning systems.

Easy to Scale Up

Technology for the e-learning education system is built in such a way that there are continual improvement and development being done on the tools that support it. Whether it is a new version of an app with extra features or just advancing hardware, e-learning education system makes it easy for users to keep up with the times through easy patches or increasingly low-cost devices. This means that whether the school or college is small or large, it does make it easier to scale up to meet the present needs of the school when the e-learning education system has been implemented. Being able to easily update via a patch or software upgrade or having the rare hardware update also end up being cost-effective ensures that schools can scale up easily and stay up to date.

Technology Embracing

In the modern world, the use of technology is becoming ubiquitous. Entire jobs rely on it and there is no industry that has not been affected and embraced technology in some form of the other. It is important for schools and colleges to also prepare their children for this modern world by embracing the use of technology at the very earliest. The easiest and most beneficial way to do this would be through the implementation of e-learning education system, which ensures that students familiarise themselves with the use of various electronic or internet-enabled tools and platforms in their day to day lives, to perform their day to day tasks. Not only do students then become comfortable using technology, but they also understand the systems of thinking that underlie it making them natural learners in an increasingly technology embracing world.

Lowered Overheads and Labor Cost

Think of the endless overheads of running a school or college – from simple things like pens and papers to storage space for all the physical records that need to be maintained. A traditional education system comes with massive overhead costs. E-learning on the other hand naturally eliminates many of these costs, since so many of the tasks and processes take place electronically. From classroom assignments being submitted using school management systems like Paatham to even the elimination of the need for a physical space to call a classroom, e-learning education system drastically reduces overhead costs for all stakeholders in the educational ecosystem.

The same also applies to labor costs with a traditional education system. Many personnel is required to manage the logistical and temporal demands of a traditional classroom setting – from study materials that are physical to the natural restrictions in the number of students that can be fit in a physical classroom. With e-learning education system such restrictions do not apply. Instead, since many tasks and processes are automated, the need for a human agent to perform them is eliminated resulting in downsizing and reduction in labor costs. This kind of reduction in costs is vital for budget-conscious industries such as education since valuable funds can then be redirected towards more worthy causes that would benefit all stakeholders in the educational ecosystem.

school management software

Conclusion: Can e-learning replace traditional education systems?

As we move into the future, it is likely that educators and management will continue to take advantage of the many benefits of e-learning systems. However, some classic traditional education system practices will remain. Rather than creating a false dichotomy where one is forced to choose between a traditional education system and e-learning it is more likely that a new form of systemic learning will emerge that is a blend of the two. We are already seeing this in practice – with virtual classrooms becoming a reality thanks to tools like Paatham learning management system that allows for a seamless experience, for teachers to reach students in remote parts of the world, through massive online open courses through services. So while it is unlikely that the traditional education system will ever be completely eradicated, it will continue to evolve to be inclusive of new forms of technology and learning, via the e-learning education system.

How poor parental support affects the growth and achievement of students

A school’s primary essence is to provide the learners with schooling. This is where parents send their children to help them learn the different skills and information needed to help them build a future and career. These skills can range from math, reading, writing, history, etc. academic skills to social communication skills, social ethics, etc.

Because of this comprehension, it has come to the conclusion that it is mainly the college that is accountable for the students ‘ schooling and skills. That’s not accurate, though. Different study information demonstrate that a student’s development and achievement plays a vital role in the home atmosphere and parental involvement.

learning app in India

Early Learning

For each student, the early learning method begins at home in an informal manner. Parents teach their children the basic abilities, values and attitudes that are necessary for everyday life. This unwritten understanding is essential as it helps kids construct processes for adult life to be effective. However, the children find it hard to adjust to the school’s social environment in the lack of this early life teaching, or in the event of parents not passing on these social indications. The parents have a important impact on how well they will perform by educating the school readiness of the young children.
For example, it has been demonstrated time and time again that when parents and kids read together at home, reading improves significantly. Daily reading intervention enhances the ability of the child to read.

Shared Academic Inspirations

Once the kid begins to attend a periodic school, most parents have many educational ambitions for the academic development of their children. Over the years, study has shown that students ‘ academic achievement is related to their parents ‘ values and ambitions. These shared aspirations serve to motivate the learners as they set learning objectives together between parents and students. These do not necessarily have to be lofty objectives, but they can also be tiny and easy objectives such as a certain percent improvement in the grade.

Improved Learning Mindset

At school, children who receive assistance from their parents create a suitable mentality, motivation, and self-discipline. Disengaged parents who are not interested in their children’s academic lives often encourage failures at school. Create a generation of learners who do not want to study or gain data.
It has been observed that these learners are also more likely to enjoy college for learners who have supportive parents guiding them at home. Parental involvement and support at home, therefore, not only enhances academic achievement, but also has a beneficial impact on the mindset, attitude, and conduct of a student.
These learners, for example, have a better attendance record as they have supportive parents who assist prepare them every day for school. Similarly, due to the assistance and advice available at home, these learners have a better performance when finishing homework or submitting tasks on time. Students who lack supporting parents, must struggle alone. This not only impacts their output, but also has adversely affected their self-esteem at the same moment.

Improved Classroom Behaviour

Parental involvement also has a beneficial impact on the attitude and conduct of the student. It found that kids with disengaged relatives have a adverse attitude in the school and are more disruptive due to the absence of effects at home. All this is due to bad parental assistance, which is also associated with parental supervision. When the student is supervised for their conduct at home, they act properly in school, pay more attention in the classroom, and ultimately perform better in the research.

Better Teacher Morale

The parents engaged in their children’s day-to-day teaching are more conscious of the problems that educators face in the classroom and are more appreciated. They enjoy the students, and this helps to boost the morale of students a long way. Constant communication between home and school enables a teacher to personally know a student, comprehend their difficulties, and better guide them. This, in turn, makes it possible for the teacher to teach the student more efficiently as well as to personalize learning experience for the learners facing the difficulties. For example, if the teacher knows that the parents in the house don’t talk English, then she attempts to pay unique attention to the school student. Help them overcome any linguistic difficulties. Regular communication between parents and educators also helps to eliminate any distrust or confusion that may occur between educators and parents.

Better Rate Of Academic Success

Engaging in the education of their children provides parents a stronger knowledge of the curriculum and activities of the school. They are more conscious of the quality of their child’s education and can further improve it by adding additional courses or tuitions if necessary. This helps enhance students ‘ performance and makes them trustworthy learners.

school management software in India


Every night, read your preschooler aloud to instill an interest in books and reading.
When selecting a school for your child, choose a school with a school management software like Paatham which allows you to monitor you your child easily and communicate with the class teacher
Team with the school, and download the school management app to be able to communicate with your school and
Praise your child’s effort in the classroom and celebrate success every small success
Have regular heart-to-heart discussions at home about successes and problems in school.
Investigate your child’s academic problems before assigning blame.
Regularly help with homework, assignments and other tests to help prepare your child for the next day at school
Attend all parent-teacher meetings
Pay attention to your child’s absentee and discipline notes from school.
Make school a priority over other things and teach the same to kids
Discuss realistic long-term school and life goals with the students.

How is the school management system useful to the industry of education?

School management systems in the educational globe have become the recent cool quotient. Managing a school is complicated administration, authorities and many duties. Having school management software is essential for the smooth flow of school tasks. It is one of the modern, customized and integrated school management software. This basically makes work easier for everybody concerned with the management of the school. School management software is for classroom leadership, customized and embedded. This makes it simpler for everyone to work.

Paatham - The Learning App and School Management System

1. Keep the track of information– It is not easy for schools to maintain information pertaining to their students. But school management system makes it simpler for schools to maintain track of information such as attendance records, homework status, discipline maintenance, how well learners are doing, and what they are achieving within the boundaries of their schooling careers.

2. Access to parents– Parents are able to maintain and view the performance, progress and lack of areas of their child without physical meetings. This is what good online school management software facilitates. They always get the information they need to know, no matter how busy they are.

3. Information on teachers– The school management software is intended in such a manner that the class schedule of the teacher and the accounts that they are filing with higher effectiveness and ease can also be viewed. This database also contains data on the class schedules and timings of Teacher. Records and tracks down everything that the teachers are doing within the school.

4. Manage attendances– An important administrative task performed by a school is managing attendance. Teachers are entrusted with a tedious job of maintaining attendance records that generally cost a considerable quantity of time. No matter when it is done, precious time that could have been devoted to the class will always be eaten up. That’s where contemporary day school leadership systems can make their lives so simple.

5. Track of report cards– As of now, the report cards are maintained manually but with the school management software one can easily manage the paperless report cards & the entire process gets over and done in the most seamless way possible.

6. Tracking of fees– Activities linked to the account produced paperless and foolish evidence. Collecting fees online makes it trouble-free. Each organisation has to cope with their companies cash inflows and outflows. Academic institutions also have activities related to their own account, such as managing fee vouchers, school staff salaries, daily collection reports, etc.

7. Managing admissions– It can also be quite difficult to manage the entire process of learners being admitted to your college. There is always a possibility of losing important information. School leadership systems assist you to conduct the entire internet job and therefore save time. School management system decreases complex duties and manual labor making account management process simple and accurate.

8. Track on assignments– Facilitating students ‘ duties and assignments becomes simpler. The software stores critical data such as when the homework was assigned when to submit it, and other details such as what the task was. This is advantageous for teachers as they can readily change homework tasks whenever necessary.

9. Security and communication– School management systems have added a lot of security features to the schools like live tracking of school transportation system, live communication between students-teachers-parents-management, etc. An effective school management system enable you to keep track of the routes being taken by students to the school premises and if at any time the routes are being changed or not. You can also see if students used school transportation without using the routes that had been assigned to them. As far as student safety is concerned this is an important feature indeed.

10. Inventory Management– Easy Library Management such as e-library facilities and Improved Hostel management and Better School inventory and asset management becomes easy with software.

Why choose automated student attendance management system for your school?

Before you choose an attendance management system for your school you would first need to know what it is. These are basically systems that use biometric technology such as access cards and the like. They keep track of the attendance of your students as well as staff members. They help you maintain accurate records in a quick manner and over the years they have become integral parts of school management as such.

Facial recognition

The features of automated student attendance management system

There are several reasons why you should choose an automated student attendance management system for your school. The first important reason, in this case, is that they come loaded with features. These features make it really easy for you – the school administration – to run the affairs in this particular regard. They may be enumerated as below:

• Leave management
• Biometric or RFID integration
• Managing half or full day attendance
• Subject wise attendance
• Managing daily attendance reports
• Providing instant notifications to parents

It needs to be said in this particular context that technology is always evolving and the same thing can be said of these systems as well.

Attendance Tracking Software

Track complete Student Attendance by using this Software.
Student Attendance Management is a comprehensive attendance tracking system for educational organizations.

Why student attendance management system is useful?

There are several reasons why these automated student attendance management systems are being thought of as being so useful in the first place. Those reasons may be enumerated as below:

• Assuring the safety of students
• Increasing the productivity of teachers
• Improving communication between parents and teachers
• Developing discipline and punctuality
• Helping with course management
• Improving the results of students
• Stimulating student behavior
• Improving salary calculation
• Saving time
• Being environment-friendly

Speed and accuracy

This is one of the best reasons why you would need such a system in your school in the first place. If your school management software has a students’ attendance management module in it, it is always great. This is because then there is no need for you to maintain such data in a manual way as you were used to doing till date. In any case, such processes are cumbersome and long, which means that they are better absent than present. With such a system students can easily log on to an online system and mark their attendance.

Generating reports in an automatic manner

Quite often teachers have to access the attendance reports of their students on an urgent basis. It could be for reasons related to discipline or for meetings with the parents. When you use a student attendance management system you basically make sure that reports can be created with just a click of your button. This way, you – the school management – are also able to get access to various summaries, and trend reports that are connected to the attendance ones.

Increases punctuality

These systems are simply great when it comes to enhancing punctuality among students.
In a manual system, the entire operation happens on a daily basis and the teacher enforces the attendance on a daily basis as well. However, with the cloud-based online student attendance management systems that we are talking about over here, you can actually record the time at which each student is attending the school in an accurate manner. This, in turn, allows you to monitor which students are being tardy in this regard and then pull up students to teach them why it is important to be punctual at school.

Sending alerts to parents

When you use an online attendance management system for students it becomes easier for you to send automatic alerts to the parents if their wards are not attending the school. You can be sure that this is something that would be impossible if you were using a manual system. However, with a school management software that would store all necessary data related to your institute, this would be as easy as it gets. In fact, these systems can also store the contact details of the parents and this way it would be easier for you to send notifications to the parents as well.
The parents too would be benefited by this as they would be able to stay updated with the attendance related details of their kids. They would have a clear idea of the number of classes that their children are missing out on.

Managing the attendance of staff

With the help of the attendance management systems, you would be able to keep track of the attendance of your staff as well. This includes both your teaching and non-teaching staff. This way, you would find it easier to calculate the number of leaves that they have availed and keep track of the number of days and hours that they have worked as well.
This, in turn, would help you work with a lot of accuracy and ease than would otherwise have been possible.

Benefits that Fee Management System carry for School

Fees management software, providing schools with powerful features for any type of private and public academic institutions in Asia. This one of the bests Fee Collection Software efficiently tracks the details of your school students past, future and current fee billing / payment collection receipts. Fee Management System module makes your working smooth while saving about 90% of manual work, resulting into a hassle free and paper less Management.

This Module Is created specifically to change the method of Fee Collection and Receipt Generation with the Aim to minimize the manual Errors which occurs mainly at Receipt Counter. As an integrated part of School fee Management Software, Fee module enables to maintain fee receipts and outstanding amounts of student. Year, school ,section and standard wise fee reports can be generated. It has configurable structure for Discounts and its calculations thereof. The Fee Module comprises all details regarding fees such as fee submission, advanced fee, hostel fee, refund of academic and hostel fee. It includes various facilities like admission fee, computer fee, tuition fee etc.

On the Submission of fees Search student Year, school, section, standard and division wise then student display on Screen and then whose fee you want to submit click on this student name and Its Fees amount display on screen yearly , half yearly amount as setup above fees year, school, section and standard wise and also fee taken manually.

best fee management software, fee management, student fee management, fee management software in school

Let’s look into some of the key benefits of implementing an automated fee management system:

1. User-friendly

Feel the difference of implementing automated software into your system in few easy steps. It makes the users feel comfortable with user-friendly and easy handling of fee processing in a paperless environment.

2. Account Management

Create student profiles with demographic information, contact details and parent information. Track and post fees for admission, hostel, library, and other activities in student accounts.

3. Security

Fee automation system is highly secure with easy account management and role-based access control in a multi-user environment.

4. Quick Payments

Make fee remittances faster from website and mobile devices using secure payment gateways to provide students and parents with hassle-free processing and automatic generation of fee receipts.

5. Customizable & Flexible

Fee management software allows you to customize fee structure based on your unique needs with the ability to set discounts, add or edit fees, and collect penalties with ease.

6. Transparency

Improves the cash management and allows transparency on the payments made and the system will track suspicious and fraudulent transactions.

7. Revenue Management

Increase revenue for the institution by receiving payments from alumni, donors and other contributors.

8. Data Backup with Synchronization

The cloud-based fee management system provides fast and automatic backup and online/offline synchronization of data for access to academic data.

9. Reports

The advanced reporting system and analytics will generate custom fee payment reports and track outstanding and unpaid student details.

10. Notifications

Keep the students and parents informed on fee payments with real-time notifications, messages and reminders via emails, SMS alerts and push notifications from mobile devices.

Fee management system solves many problems for schools and helps parents to keep track of fee payments in real time. No more manual records or calculations on sheets of paper. Using the fee accounting and financial management software, students and parents can use the latest technology tools to connect various departments such as admission, finance, transport, hostel, library and more. This will result in wider engagement and improved efficiency in educational institutions with synchronization of data on fee collections. Student’s fee collection and unpaid fee details can be accessed on mobile devices from anywhere and anytime, beyond the campus.

Benefits Of Hostel Management System, Why Does Your School Hostel Need It?

With residential schools becoming increasingly popular with parents and students alike, educational institutions are tasked with not just managing academics but also student life. When it comes to hostel life, of paramount importance for any school or college is student safety and comfort. Good record management and flawless execution of administrative tasks associated with hostel management is key to ensuring this.


Being able to keep track of students in the system helps administrators keep track of where they are and locate them swiftly in case of exigencies. It also helps create a record of where a student is supposed to be for their non-educational caretakers, and help them more efficiently utilize non-school hours.

School Hostel Management Software

A hostel that runs like a well-oiled machine provides a sense of security and comfort to a student. After all, during the academic year, their room is their private sanctum and their roommates and fellow hostelites their family. A hostel and its inhabitants, in many ways, are a home away from home. Ensuring that is managed well is thus essential. Paatham helps in keeping track of student records and their housing details are unreliable, expensive, cumbersome and prone to human error. Gone are the days of dusty ledgers filled with cramped writing that can only be interpreted with the help of the original author. Instead, a robust hostel management system can inexpensively and quickly take over a majority of hostel management duties, reducing labour costs and improving overall efficiency.

But what are the must-have features of a good hostel management system to ensure you are getting your money’s worth? Here are the features we can’t do without:

1. Hostel Records

A good hostel management system will allow you to easily add and delete hostels as needed to the system. This ensures that an administrator has a bird’s eye view of all existing hostels on campus at any moment – and access to the detailed records for each individual hostel. This also ensures longevity for your hostel management system. As your educational institution grows,
so do its needs, including housing. Being able to easily add, delete, and manage hostels in the system ensures it does not quickly become obsolete.

2. Room Assignment

Having a compatible roommate can make or break a student’s life. The methodology used to assign students to rooms varies from school to school. In some cases, a questionnaire is used to match compatible students while some rely on random assignment. If the latter results in feuding roommates, it is seen as an opportunity for personal growth in the conflict management space. But how does one keep track of these assignments, any changes requested, and maintain a roommate archive? A room assignment feature is thus necessary for any good hostel management system. Paatham, for instance, makes it easy for administrators to assign rooms, process room change requests and keep a track of their student’s life.

To the Hostel warden and other hostel employees, such a system allows for smooth flow of information and easy access to specific tasks. They can easily manage tasks such as inventory management, room information, room allocation, schedule fee collections, collect hostel fees and track fee defaulters. The addition of custom fields allows for easy recording of additional information if need.
For students, it offers an easy option to choose a room based on their preferences and requirements.

3. Fee Collection

Hostel fees are charged separately from the tuition and other school expenses a student is expected to pay. This is a sensitive financial issue for most students since the consequences of defaulting are dire – a hostel is the student’s home during the school year. Managing hostel fee collection is a sensitive and confidential matter, best handled by the efficiency and anonymity a hostel management system has to offer. A hostel management system enables administrators to post the fee due for each individual student, what their payment status is, update payment status easily, and access a list of defaulters in one click, in order to ensure that finances are in order.

In conclusion, managing a hostel through traditional data management is a tedious task and efficiently leveraging a school software offers a dynamic as well as practical approach. It helps hostels with precise inventory planning, offers a systematic approach and ensures accurate control of administrative processes to ensure that the hostel is able to function at its highest capability.

Explore The Benefit Of e-Testing – Paatham

e-Testing or e-assessments are on-line tests conducted with the aim of evaluating, measuring, and documenting the educational readiness, learning progress, talent acquisition, or academic wants of the test takers. Within the past, test were typically given in paper printouts and had to be two-handed out manually. Nowadays, you can create online test, share the link with your students, and immediately see their results.

e-Testing is a valuable tool in Higher Education for several reasons. it’s large potential benefits for school students in terms of learning and retention of study material, furthermore as increasing their engagement with their chosen topic. e-Testing offers several blessings over traditional pen and paper exams.

Paatham | e-Testing

“students often say they don’t get enough feedback on their performance, and that when they do receive feedback, it is often inadequate, difficult to interpret, or too late”.

e-Testing can

supply immediate and focused feedback on students’ work
allow students more than one attempt at an answer
present questions in a predetermined or random order
be used for diagnostic, formative or summative assessment
guide students to further reading or resources if they are having difficulty
increase students’ digital literacy
increase student engagement
record highly detailed student learning analytics and present them to the teacher in real time
manage teacher workload and corrections

The use of e-Testing makes it much more realistic for students to get this timely and appropriate feedback given the workload already experienced by teaching staff. The feedback given can also be further enhanced by technology as it may contain links to interactive material, additional reading, videos etc. so that students can be directed to engage in self-directed learning tailored for their particular difficulties.

The Digital Roadmap also highlights the need to maximize the potential of data analytics to inform teaching and learning in Higher Education. The use of e-Testing makes this task manageable as most systems would automatically track many learning analytics as students use the system. E-assessment can also be used to great effect to develop greater opportunities for part-time, flexible learning, including lifelong learning.

Advantages of e-Testing

The use of e-Testing saves students a lot of time and money. Often the assessments can be completed in less time, multiple candidates can complete the online assessment at the same time and there is no need for specialized (and expensive) personnel. Also, the test takers are able to take the assessment during class, or at home, using their own devices. You get to see their results and answers and get instant feedback about your chosen topic. That helps you, as teacher, to learn more about your students and adapt to their needs, strengths and weaknesses.

Disadvantages of e-Testing

Not much can be said about the disadvantages of online testiing, since the advantages outweigh them by far. But there might be some, for example, you need to be computer literate (or able to use a computer well) in order to create and take an assessment. Technology is not always reliable, there might be connection or internet problems, energy breaks and other things like that. Also, there’s a cost involved in online assessment softwares.


e-Testing has some pros and cons. It’s up to you to decide what is the best option in your case, that is, keep using hard copy assessments or go for the online option. Although some financial investment in online assessment software is needed, we believe the benefits outweigh the costs by far. It’s a value for money acquisition, since you, as a student, will save a lot of time and money in many other ways.

Also, online test allow the test takers to take on mobile learning, which means, they are able to take the test anywhere, anytime. And they receive their results immediately by email. You can see their results and download them into an Excel file.

How E-Learning is helpful to learners – Paatham

A learning system based on formalised teaching but with the help of electronic resources is known as E-learning. While teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component of E-learning. E-learning can also be termed as a network enabled transfer of skills and knowledge, and the delivery of education is made to a large number of recipients at the same or different times. Earlier, it was not accepted wholeheartedly as it was assumed that this system lacked the human element required in learning.

However, with the rapid progress in technology and the advancement in learning systems, it is now embraced by the masses. The introduction of computers was the basis of this revolution and with the passage of time, as we get hooked to smartphones, tablets, etc, these devices now have an importance place in the classrooms for learning. Books are gradually getting replaced by electronic educational materials like optical discs or pen drives. Knowledge can also be shared via the Internet, which is accessible 24/7, anywhere, anytime.


Importance Of E-Learning

No Boundaries, No Restrictions : E-learning, facilitates learning without having to organize when and where everyone who is interested in a course can be present.

More Fun : Designing a course in a way that makes it interactive and fun through the use of multimedia, enhances not only your engagement factor but also the relative lifetime of the course material in question.

Cost Effective : E-Learning is always cost friendly.

E-learning has proved to be the best means in the education sector, especially The schools which use E-learning technologies are a step ahead of those which still have the traditional approach towards learning.


No doubt, it is equally important to take forward the concept of non-electronic teaching with the help of books and lectures, but the importance and effectiveness of technology-based learning cannot be taken lightly or ignored completely. It is believed that the human brain can easily remember and relate to what is seen and heard via moving pictures or videos. It has also been found that visuals, apart from holding the attention of the student, are also retained by the brain for longer periods. education sectors, are now adapting to the concept of E-learning which helps in the progress of a nation. Technological advancements also helped educational establishments reduce the costs of distance learning, a saving that would also be passed on to the students – helping bring education to a wider audience.