How Teachers Can Help Students During Their Pre-Board Examination Preparation?

Board examinations are one of the most important exams in a student’s life and are often regarded as the stepping stone for one’s glorious future. The results of board exams are considered a key factor in securing admission to their preference of higher secondary schools and colleges. These are the key factor that directs the supreme decision as to whether the student will be able to obtain the desired educational stream in higher classes.

These are also viewed as an important part of the professional resume of a student, reflecting their academic performance and achievements.

These are some of the reasons that closer to the board exams, the atmosphere in classrooms becomes serious with students and teachers putting in the best of their efforts.

Smart schools and teachers also opt for technology for school management software to support students during their pre-board examination.

Student and Parents communications

While the students offer the board exams, it is a well-accepted fact that the students who do well are those who have ample support from their parents at home. The online student management program helps teachers to stay in touch with their families, keeping them up-to-date on all the school happenings and the classroom results.
This component of a school management software also lets parents keep track of student’s attendance and review their children’s exam-related records, thus helping parents stay up-to-date on the students, enabling and encouraging parents to support and direct the students even at home.

Blog posts

Using the school management software blog post unit, teachers can post blogs as a student learning resource. In addition, these blog posts can also include assessment tips, learning guides, discussions on relevant topics, assignment tools, and plenty more. These blogs can be a reference guide for students as they study for their board and pre-board exams.

Online discussions

For students preparing for their pre-board and board exams, online discussions held over the school management software are an important tool that will help them to stay connected with their peers and teachers during after-school hours. Discussion module helps the students and teachers to interact with each other, resolve doubts, get their queries answered and share their views through posting comments in the discussion board.

As administrators of these boards, the teachers can moderate these discussions, participate in them and delete comments that may confuse the students.

Online Assignment Management

The school management software assignment application was designed to help teachers routinely administer homework, exams, and tasks to students. The online system makes it easy for the class teachers to administer the exams, collect the finished work, review it and provide students with valuable feedback to help them learn more and perform better in their examinations.

Custom student remarks

Once the students have participated in the online tests and exams given by the teachers to prepare them. The custom student remarks module helps the teachers to provide comments for each of the student on the basis of performance in different subjects. The teachers can either give common remarks to the entire class correcting or guiding them or the teacher has the option to give individual remarks to a student on any particular exam conducted. Besides the teachers and the students, the parents can see the remarks in their profiles for daily updates and can accordingly keep track of their child’s academic progress.

Event Calendar

Closer to the date of the exams, as the schools exchange their calendar of events with the dates of tests, vivas, practicals and other important board exam dates. Using the school management software’s event calendar feature makes it easier for students and parents to stay up-to-date on the exam schedule and any changes associated with it.


Another essential feature of the school management software that can help the teachers prepare the students better is the collaboration feature.

This feature allows students and teachers to interact with each other at any time through email, audio and/or video. We can create group sessions to provide students with additional online tuition, and they can record and post these sessions for future use. The group chat session also helps students clear their doubts and gain a better understanding of the topic.

Education today is extremely cut-throat, and due to a few scores, students will lose out of being admitted to their preference colleges. It is important for teachers to do everything they can to help give their students the extra edge in this hyper-competitive world, where every single mark counts.

The use of a school management software with its various tool and modules enables the teachers to reach out to their students at all times and offer them the best possible learning experience. It allows the teachers to help the students improve their learning skills and keep practicing until they are ready for their big exams. After all, practice makes perfect!

How to Keep Students Up-To-Date During Vacation Season?

The end of the year is the festive season with many schools, colleges and educational institutions slowing down and going into a vacation mode. During holiday season, Students often appear to be distracted more easily during the holiday season as the focus shifts to spending time with family and friends rather than the books before the students. This can be a challenge for teachers and educators as they struggle to keep the students focused on their studies. Another obstacle faced by teachers is to ensure that students complete and apply all the work on time, ensuring that their performance is on a trend upward.

This can be seen as a major task for teachers in traditional schools and colleges. But it is easier than ever to ensure that the students stay motivated and remain excited about their academic achievements with technology to help them and with the help of school management software.

Here are a few strategies and school management software features that keep student’s updated during the holiday season:

1. News

The school management software’s news feature allows the administrator or the privileged employee to publish the latest news and academic updates related to the school for the day. These can be used by staff and students to help keep them up-to-date with all the latest campus events during the holidays that will be available to all users on their dashboard.
This campus news which is easy to create and publish can not only be textual but can also include videos and images to make it more interesting. Additionally, the administrator can allow for comments to be added to the news to make this feature more interactive for the students.

2. Discussion

Another strategic way for schools and colleges to keep students engaged through the discussion feature in the school management software. Through online discussion, students, teachers, and staff can interact with each other despite the holidays. This module helps the students and teachers to interact with each other through discussions and comments. This is a moderated discussion and unwelcome comments can always be deleted by the school administrator. They can interact and exchange ideas, discuss grievances and build a stronger and more engaged student and teacher community.

3. Poll

With the help of the Poll feature, the school can seek and collect the opinions on a particular subject from a group of selected members. This poll can be done anonymously without revealing the identity of the person and can be extended to a pre-selected audience for the purpose of analysis.

4. Gallery

The school can share important screenshots and pictures with the students or employees by creating an album in the gallery module of the school management software. Public albums that update the students with the various events and activities of the school can be shared so that even when the students are on a vacation, they are updated on the school happenings. By sharing these images, the students also get excited and motivated to resume classes when the holidays end.

5. eMails

One of the most common methods to send regular updates to the students and the parents is through the use of emails. These mails help the schools keep the parents and students updated on a regular basis. Emails also enable to school to send essential communication to the teachers, parents and students such as fee reminders, exam schedules, meeting updates etc.

Emails can also be sent to the alumni to engage them for career guidance and training activities for mutual knowledge exchange. Additionally, to reduce the burden on the administration, the school automatic emails can be set up for a particular set of recipients on specific events

6. Task

The Task module of the school management is used by the school administration team to assign tasks to the staff or the students by their teachers or management team. Once the students or the staff receive the task, they can then upload documents and put up periodic updates related to the task assigned to them. They can also receive feedback, comments and further instructions related to the task for further follow ups.

The holiday season, while it is a time for rest and relaxation for the students, does not necessarily mean being cut-off and isolated from school work. With the help of the various technological tools given above, the students can continue to stay connected with their school, peers and teachers. The period of time, when used well can also be used by the students to give themselves the extra boost that will help them ace their exams with ease.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Examination System

online examination system

An online assessment is to conduct an online evaluation or test to assess academic performance among students. Traditionally, orally or through written tests using pen and paper, these examinations are performed. Students gathered in an exam hall or room where students obtained a question paper and students had to write answers within the time allotted. In order to ensure a fair evaluation of all participants, these questions were not previously used. Participants then turn to their answer sheets and evaluators exchange student scores after a period of time.

All these traditional elements continue to persist with an online study, but the method of evaluation has changed–instead of a physical examination room, students now log into an online examination system through which they view and post their answers to the question paper. This method also involves analysis and reporting of tests.

What are the advantages of an online examination system?

The advantages of implementing an online examination system at your educational institution are plenty. Below we discuss some key, easily accessed advantages of switching to an online examination system at your school:

Environmentally Friendly

Straight out of the gate, the negative impact of conventional pen and paper tests on the world is minimized by an online examination system. This kind of eco-friendly and forward-thinking approach to daily processes is essential in a world where students can graduate into an environmental crisis caused by climate change. Students will imbibe these values over the course of their education.

Technologically Forward

The key advantage of using the online examination system is that it is well incorporated into a technologically rich world. For professional situations, the use of pen and paper is growing. Most of the work is done with email, text messages, presentation machines, computer-based development, etc. Using this method to familiarize students with a range of interfaces prepares them for the real world. It is possible that their experience with such a system and method will be particularly helpful even in the future after they have graduated for activities such as training and testing.

Reduces Labor Cost

The sheer amount of resources that can be used to set up a single exam is mind-boggling — from teachers setting the test to administrators ensuring that all students receive enough copies of the exam paper. The use of an online examination system removes many of these procedures and the related labor costs, which have a significant and positive impact on the bottom line of the method implementing educational institution.

Saves on Time Investment

The design, administration and assessment of a test are time-consuming activities for all concerned from the student to the teachers. The use of an online examination system allows for a reduction in the time required for the analysis process as a whole. This is because features such as inserting and exporting questions, easy access to the students ‘ test, and batch-wise assessments allow students and teachers to save valuable time that would usually be spent on non-primary tasks and instead channel those resources towards setting and assessing students ‘ academic progress.

Reduces Overheads

The overhead costs of obtaining an exam hall, printing out multiple question papers, supplying students with answer sheets and other resources could actually add up. Nevertheless, switching to an online review platform reduces or removes many of these overhead costs directly. Such a move has a positive effect on the educational institution’s bottom line, freeing up much-needed resources for the school or college that can then be guided to core responsibilities.

Increased Security and Privacy

A final advantage of the online examination system is that it allows for increased student privacy and an improvement in how secure the entire process is for all stakeholders involved. For instance, there can be no meddling or untoward activities within the system since there is no opportunity for malicious elements to game the system and produce erroneous responses or results, engage in cheating or any other unethical practices.

Students often earn outcomes that keep their reputation among peers confidential and encourage positive development rather than harmful and futile peer rivalry. This kind of security and privacy may seem unnecessary, but for both students and teachers alike, it really provides a safer and more positive attitude towards the whole examination process. Fostering such a mentality is in the interest of the educational institution as a whole.

What are the disadvantages of an online examination system?

Open Book Exams

Due to the nature of the online examination system model, exams conducted through this platform are open book exams to some degree. Unlike traditional examination settings that did not allow the examination to have external materials in the physical space, nothing prevents students from referring to their course materials during an online examination. Since there is also no direct supervision during the exam time period, the entire system is reliant on an honor system to prevent cheating or other malpractice.

Teachers can, however, mitigate this effect by setting questions that do not depend on the ability of the student to search for information in a textbook or Google. Instead, questions must concentrate on evaluating the student’s understanding of the topic. These are in many ways predictors of the actual comprehension of the content being learned by the student and thus a better representation of their academic progress.

Onboarding onto New Technology

The implementation of an online examination system necessitates a period of familiarisation on part of all users. Any change in structure will require some investment in onboarding on behalf of the educational institution in question.

The best approach to take here is to model preparation for both students and teachers during the transition from traditional examinations to the online examination. Such learning will familiarize students and teachers with the system’s different features, making it more likely that they will actually use it rather than sticking to the status quo as to how exams are conducted at their school.

Infrastructural Barriers

While the online examination system offers great scope to improve student inclusion and accessibility worldwide, its positive impact can still be mitigated by the location’s infrastructural conditions. Nevertheless, these obstacles are beyond the influence of the system itself, it is clear that it affects it.

Factors like steady internet connectivity, the presence of an electrical connection, and other infrastructural issues in many parts of the world that interfere with how an online review system will work. Therefore, it is important to keep the audience in mind when introducing the school’s use of this program.

Not suited for Collaborative Evaluations or Group Projects

The very nature of examinations in the online examination system prevents certain modes of evaluation being implemented at the school. The most obvious one here is that it is not an ideal platform for collaborative evaluations or group projects. This is because the nature of the platform is objective, preventing subjective evaluations where points are handed out to a group for subjective efforts, rather than points awarded on an existing framework.


Examinations are an inevitable part of the educational ecosystem. With evolving technologies, a globalized world, and an increasingly competitive educational landscape, it is necessary to keep up with the times. Along with ever-evolving teaching and learning methods, processes like examinations must also be examined. An online examination system is the product of such an analysis – it automates, digitizes and flattens the process to become more accessible, inclusive and accurate compared to its previous avatar. At the same time, it does not eliminate best practices in student evaluation and examination that have been built over the years. Instead, the online examination system is a culmination of the old and familiar and the new and innovative.

Why does e-learning in India have a promising future?

E-learning has become more and more common throughout Asia. The increase of Internet users on the continent and the revolutionary changes in education have established a very fertile atmosphere for the growth of e-learning. Hughes Communications India, Ltd (HCIL) is exploring e-learning in India, its drivers and its benefits–and the critical role that broadband satellite plays in delivering it.

Albert Einstein once said, “Education is what stays after you have forgotten what you have learned in college.” While the words of Einstein may have been designed in good humor, they accurately reflect the reality that efficient education is indeed continuous and changing at all times. In reality, over the centuries, the face of education has undergone a sea shift. Once characterized by the traditional model of school, today’s education has transformed into immediate, internet, self-driven, and on-going learning. In India, too, the education journey was dotted with countless milestones — most lately, e-learning.

elearning app for school

Indian government is pushing for e-learning

The Government of India (GoI) is a powerful proponent of e-learning and it has been actively developed by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) instruments and techniques to support it. In particular, DeitY has endorsed R&D initiatives focused on e-learning throughout India at multiple academic instructional institutions. These include content creation, initiatives in R&D technology, human resource development projects, and initiatives in faculty training to enhance literacy through distance schooling.

Exploring the scope in India

Over the past few years, the fast rise in Internet connectivity has been a major catalyst for e-learning development in India. A solid ecosystem on the Internet, with a variety of local and international players, will assist create further inroads online learning.

India’s education system, already one of the world’s biggest with a network of over one million colleges and 18,000 institutions of higher education, will fuel this development. In the target market for education and associated services, more than half of the country’s 1.2 billion population falls.

In the near future, universities will see more students accessing their coursework from outside the traditional campus and classroom.

E-learning gives distinctive benefits, with the most prominent being the capacity of internet teachers to provide all learners with personalized attention. This is particularly critical for those learners who are unable to afford face-to-face private tutoring sessions or who reside in rural regions where such assistance is not accessible. This is only feasible in a standard setup when a extremely qualified tutor provides a student with one-to – one tutorials. However, given that most organizations have a classroom-based configuration, it becomes very hard to have such individualized attention.

Another important advantage is that people living in smaller towns and cities can get access to the best possible learning resources from across the world, at a very affordable price. This helps create a level-playing field.

The developing wave of adaptive learning will also help students with various levels of intellectual capabilities to glean the best from the learning process at their own pace, without feeling left out.

Online tutoring will definitely pose a threat to conventional methods of teaching—while online learning can never look at completely replacing schools as schools offer much more than just academic opportunities within their campuses. However, private tuition centres which are typically managed by individual teachers will have to take a second look at their business model and adopt digital learning aids to sharpen their offerings.

Aspects of e-learning

Technology has enhanced students ‘ learning experience. Although the basis of education is still reading, writing, and arithmetic, there is no doubt that to be efficient contributors in the future, today’s learners will also need a wider education.

E-learning solutions employ technology to deliver:

Live instruction: Certain curriculam may require specialised instructors. By using live broadcasts, these instructors can remain in one location and provide instruction to many students in other locations. This type of specialisation increases as students move into higher levels of education.

Video content delivery: In a forward and store model, pre-recorded content such as lectures, documentaries, and other video content can be delivered so that the material can be viewed when necessary.

Student-to-student interactions (video conferencing): Related to the first point, students may learn just as much from each other as they do from teachers. Thus, communications technology can be used to connect students in different regions or even different parts of the world so that they may interact.

Up-to-date materials: As mentioned above, the basics seldom change. However, virtually all textbooks must be updated. Textbooks are very expensive to purchase, maintain, and deliver. Again, digital delivery solves this issue when coupled with e-Readers such as tablets.

Self-learning: Computer-based training or self-paced learning is common in higher education and trade-oriented learning. Kiosks or terminals to support this may be located close to underserved areas where populations already work.

Teachers and instructors may also take advantage of the technology to interact with their peers, students, and parents using email and social media.


In underdeveloped and developing countries, e-learning raises the level of education, literacy, and economic development. This is especially true for countries where technical education is expensive, opportunities are limited, and economic disparities exist.
Although the Indian market is still young, it will continue to adopt the concept of e-learning in order to meet its communication needs and seize business opportunities.

Innovative Methods of Teaching Strategies : That Will Help Every Teacher In The Classroom

Some of our most inspirational and unforgettable films are teachers and professors who use creative teaching techniques to achieve the students ‘ minds and win the audience’s hearts while doing so. While only a few years ago one would see such creative and efficient teaching on the screen, today technology has provided a number of tools to teachers around the globe to improve teaching techniques.

school management system

Here are some innovative teaching strategies which every teacher can embrace and make their teaching way more interesting:

1. Cross over Teaching

While this type of learning does not include technology, for both the student and the teachers it is an enriching experience. Here, in an informal environment such as after-school learning clubs or museum and exhibition trips, learning occurs. The teacher can link the educational material to the students ‘ experiences. By adding questions linked to the topic, this teaching is further improved and deepened. Then the students can add field trip notes, photographic projects and other group tasks linked to the trip to the classroom debates.

2. Teaching through Smart Boards

Smart boards are an efficient way to give life to the classroom while helping students experience a greater level of commitment and understanding. This is achieved through the interactive and visualization of the course material. The smart boards turn the learning experience into an interactive and cooperative experience as teachers use vibrant multimedia material to assist students communicate the subject more efficiently and make it a visual and engaging experience.

3. Teaching through Flipping Classrooms

Flipping the classroom becomes an efficient teaching method that is becoming increasingly common. In this method, students are made active participants in the learning process by placing the learning burden on them, teachers are required to relegate themselves to the position of resource providers and students are responsible for collecting concept information. Students are motivated to build understanding using multiple technology instruments, fill in data gaps and create inferences on their own as and when required.

While many may question whether giving students the responsibility of teaching may be worldwide, teachers around the globe have seen them immersing themselves more in the topic, taking more interest and teaching better when they are in control of their own learning.

This method of teaching is one of the best ways to lay the foundation in independent learning.

4. Teaching through collaboration

Another innovative teaching method includes promoting cooperation between students for different projects. We live in a globalized globe today and cooperation is a vital life skill that is important for all professions and businesses. Teachers in the classroom can assist promote this skill by enabling learners to learn, study, and work in classroom.

For example, by assigning group homework or encouraging learners to work on plays, presentations and other reports together. Today, cooperation as a type of learning is gaining recognition as a strong learning instrument where teachers perform the role of guides, mentors, managers for the students once again in the community of students. It also teaches empathy, negotiation, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities to students.

5. Teaching through Virtual Reality

Technology for Virtual Reality includes helping learners learn through interactions with a 3D world. For example, instead of bringing the students through a boring lesson of history, teachers can use 3D technology to discover ancient cultures, travel for a lesson in geography to remote nations, or even take a journey to outer space during a science lesson.

Virtual Reality technology provides a precious chance for students to learn immersively, creating a lasting impression on their minds. It makes learning fun and enables students to keep the material for a longer period of time–all the key points when considering efficient teaching techniques in a classroom.

6. Teaching through 3D printing technology

Teachers who are looking for creative learning techniques can also look at 3D printing as a learning tool. This technique is rapidly gaining worldwide recognition, particularly in greater academic institutions where 3D printers are used to produce prototypes and facilitate the understanding of complicated concepts. In lower-level schools, teachers can use 3D printers to teach material earlier taught through textbooks, thereby helping students achieve a better knowledge of the concept — especially STEM topics.

7. Teaching through Cloud Computing

Bringing technology into the classroom enables teachers to experiment with innovative teaching techniques. Using cloud computing is one technique where teachers can save on the classroom cloud information of essential classroom resources such as lesson plans, notes, audio courses, videos, and tasks. This can be accessed from the comfort of their homes by the students whenever it is necessary to bring the classroom back to the students by clicking on a mouse. It also guarantees that at all times students who have missed school for either disease or any other reason remain up-to-date. It eliminates the need for heavy textbooks and enables students to learn at a moment, location and pace they are comfortable with.

8. Technology and innovative methods of teaching

Using technology in the classroom helps engage students with various types of stimuli and generates an activity-based learning atmosphere. It makes the classroom content more exciting and enjoyable to learn.

Technology provides teachers with an infinite collection of resources they can tap into depending on the students ‘ needs. While this blog lists some of these resources, a teacher looking for efficient learning techniques in a classroom will be offering a vast amount of updated alternatives in switching to the recent technology.

Benefits Of Hostel Management System, Why Does Your School Hostel Need It?

With residential schools becoming increasingly popular with parents and students alike, educational institutions are tasked with not just managing academics but also student life. When it comes to hostel life, of paramount importance for any school or college is student safety and comfort. Good record management and flawless execution of administrative tasks associated with hostel management is key to ensuring this.


Being able to keep track of students in the system helps administrators keep track of where they are and locate them swiftly in case of exigencies. It also helps create a record of where a student is supposed to be for their non-educational caretakers, and help them more efficiently utilize non-school hours.

School Hostel Management Software

A hostel that runs like a well-oiled machine provides a sense of security and comfort to a student. After all, during the academic year, their room is their private sanctum and their roommates and fellow hostelites their family. A hostel and its inhabitants, in many ways, are a home away from home. Ensuring that is managed well is thus essential. Paatham helps in keeping track of student records and their housing details are unreliable, expensive, cumbersome and prone to human error. Gone are the days of dusty ledgers filled with cramped writing that can only be interpreted with the help of the original author. Instead, a robust hostel management system can inexpensively and quickly take over a majority of hostel management duties, reducing labour costs and improving overall efficiency.

But what are the must-have features of a good hostel management system to ensure you are getting your money’s worth? Here are the features we can’t do without:

1. Hostel Records

A good hostel management system will allow you to easily add and delete hostels as needed to the system. This ensures that an administrator has a bird’s eye view of all existing hostels on campus at any moment – and access to the detailed records for each individual hostel. This also ensures longevity for your hostel management system. As your educational institution grows,
so do its needs, including housing. Being able to easily add, delete, and manage hostels in the system ensures it does not quickly become obsolete.

2. Room Assignment

Having a compatible roommate can make or break a student’s life. The methodology used to assign students to rooms varies from school to school. In some cases, a questionnaire is used to match compatible students while some rely on random assignment. If the latter results in feuding roommates, it is seen as an opportunity for personal growth in the conflict management space. But how does one keep track of these assignments, any changes requested, and maintain a roommate archive? A room assignment feature is thus necessary for any good hostel management system. Paatham, for instance, makes it easy for administrators to assign rooms, process room change requests and keep a track of their student’s life.

To the Hostel warden and other hostel employees, such a system allows for smooth flow of information and easy access to specific tasks. They can easily manage tasks such as inventory management, room information, room allocation, schedule fee collections, collect hostel fees and track fee defaulters. The addition of custom fields allows for easy recording of additional information if need.
For students, it offers an easy option to choose a room based on their preferences and requirements.

3. Fee Collection

Hostel fees are charged separately from the tuition and other school expenses a student is expected to pay. This is a sensitive financial issue for most students since the consequences of defaulting are dire – a hostel is the student’s home during the school year. Managing hostel fee collection is a sensitive and confidential matter, best handled by the efficiency and anonymity a hostel management system has to offer. A hostel management system enables administrators to post the fee due for each individual student, what their payment status is, update payment status easily, and access a list of defaulters in one click, in order to ensure that finances are in order.

In conclusion, managing a hostel through traditional data management is a tedious task and efficiently leveraging a school software offers a dynamic as well as practical approach. It helps hostels with precise inventory planning, offers a systematic approach and ensures accurate control of administrative processes to ensure that the hostel is able to function at its highest capability.

Explore The Benefit Of e-Testing – Paatham

e-Testing or e-assessments are on-line tests conducted with the aim of evaluating, measuring, and documenting the educational readiness, learning progress, talent acquisition, or academic wants of the test takers. Within the past, test were typically given in paper printouts and had to be two-handed out manually. Nowadays, you can create online test, share the link with your students, and immediately see their results.

e-Testing is a valuable tool in Higher Education for several reasons. it’s large potential benefits for school students in terms of learning and retention of study material, furthermore as increasing their engagement with their chosen topic. e-Testing offers several blessings over traditional pen and paper exams.

Paatham | e-Testing

“students often say they don’t get enough feedback on their performance, and that when they do receive feedback, it is often inadequate, difficult to interpret, or too late”.

e-Testing can

supply immediate and focused feedback on students’ work
allow students more than one attempt at an answer
present questions in a predetermined or random order
be used for diagnostic, formative or summative assessment
guide students to further reading or resources if they are having difficulty
increase students’ digital literacy
increase student engagement
record highly detailed student learning analytics and present them to the teacher in real time
manage teacher workload and corrections

The use of e-Testing makes it much more realistic for students to get this timely and appropriate feedback given the workload already experienced by teaching staff. The feedback given can also be further enhanced by technology as it may contain links to interactive material, additional reading, videos etc. so that students can be directed to engage in self-directed learning tailored for their particular difficulties.

The Digital Roadmap also highlights the need to maximize the potential of data analytics to inform teaching and learning in Higher Education. The use of e-Testing makes this task manageable as most systems would automatically track many learning analytics as students use the system. E-assessment can also be used to great effect to develop greater opportunities for part-time, flexible learning, including lifelong learning.

Advantages of e-Testing

The use of e-Testing saves students a lot of time and money. Often the assessments can be completed in less time, multiple candidates can complete the online assessment at the same time and there is no need for specialized (and expensive) personnel. Also, the test takers are able to take the assessment during class, or at home, using their own devices. You get to see their results and answers and get instant feedback about your chosen topic. That helps you, as teacher, to learn more about your students and adapt to their needs, strengths and weaknesses.

Disadvantages of e-Testing

Not much can be said about the disadvantages of online testiing, since the advantages outweigh them by far. But there might be some, for example, you need to be computer literate (or able to use a computer well) in order to create and take an assessment. Technology is not always reliable, there might be connection or internet problems, energy breaks and other things like that. Also, there’s a cost involved in online assessment softwares.


e-Testing has some pros and cons. It’s up to you to decide what is the best option in your case, that is, keep using hard copy assessments or go for the online option. Although some financial investment in online assessment software is needed, we believe the benefits outweigh the costs by far. It’s a value for money acquisition, since you, as a student, will save a lot of time and money in many other ways.

Also, online test allow the test takers to take on mobile learning, which means, they are able to take the test anywhere, anytime. And they receive their results immediately by email. You can see their results and download them into an Excel file.