Benefits of digitalizing the Attendance Management Process

Student attendance monitoring is a basic activity that happens in every class in colleges. Earlier teachers used to monitor attendance through various manual methods like counting heads, calling roll numbers, etc. Now there are specialized and advanced software tools available in the market which automates the attendance management process and help in monitoring and tracking the attendance of students and institute staff members in real-time.

Attendance Management Software for Colleges let instructor to quickly and accurately record the attendance of the students either subject wise or day wise in a single click. Effortlessly teachers can keep generating a comprehensive report to keep a check on the students who are regular & who are not. Additionally, students can apply for a leave in less than a minute within an app and teachers gets an instant update which helps them in saving a lot of their effort and time.

  1. Speed — The digitized system allows marking attendance instantly from a mobile phone or laptop. The data updated from the teacher’s laptop or mobile phone will be instantly available across all relevant users in the system.
  2. Accuracy — The data updated and maintained through a digitized attendance management system will have fewer errors and it improves the accuracy of the entire system. The reason for fewer errors is due to the decreased paperwork and instant feedback from parents and students in case any error occurred while marking the attendance.
  3. Punctuality — The digitized attendance system with its instant availability of reports to higher management, parents, and guardians makes sure that the students attend class properly and this improves the punctuality and discipline of the institution.
  4. Instant alerts — This would have been impossible without a digitized system. The SMS alerts, as well as push notifications, can be sent to mobile phones of parents and guardians while using a digitized attendance management system.
  5. Instant reports — Because of the digital nature of the data being stored and retrieved the attendance reports can be generated instantly by the administrators of the system. In earlier times it would have taken hours if not days for teachers to prepare and share the attendance reports to principal or HOD.
  6. Saves time — As a result of all the above benefits, the system saves the precious time of teachers, which can be now spent wisely on improving academics.
  7. Saves paper & storage — With all reports and tools available in digital form, there is no need to print the attendance registers and make copies of the reports to be stored at different offices. This saves paper wastage and requires less storage space.
  8. Integrations — The digital nature of the system allows seamless integration with other tools and hardware like biometric, RFID, etc. This inter-connectivity between tools opens up numerous possibilities in academic and administrative improvements.

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